March 23, 2020
Thank you to those who responded to the Sunday Sabbath question about where you saw God working this past week! It's apparent to me that God is working to bring good out of this situation we're facing, and it's wonderful that so many of you are seeing Him in action. I don't have much news today, but I do have a prayer concern. The grandmother of one of our Kool Kidz children called Pat Haas yesterday morning. She has had custody of her granddaughter, since the girl's mom is is prison. A few days ago, Children's Services removed the girl from her home, and placed her in foster care in Wauseon. This young girl had just begun coming to our Wednesday night program, and we were hoping that she and her grandmother would begin attending our Sunday service. I ask that you pray for this girl, her grandmother, and the whole family. I have to say, though, that this just confirms and strengthens my belief that our Kool Kidz program is more than just a fun activity. The fact that this grandmother felt comfortable calling Pat to talk about what had happened tells me that we are making real connections with people in the community, and that God is using us in ways we cannot even begin to imagine. Many thanks to Pat and the many others who volunteer their time each week to help with the program. I look forward to seeing you soon, but in the meantime, please remain home and remain healthy. If there is anything you need, please let me know. Pastor Mary Lord Jesus Christ, healer of all diseases and our great physician, we intercede for those who in traumatic condition not knowing the depth of their illness. We pray and ask you to come and take your place in spirit in the doctors, nurses, and specialists, who will aid them in their medical needs. We believe that nothing is impossible in your hands of power, in your hands of healing, and in your heart of love, mercy, and compassion. In the Holy name of our Holy Savior, Amen. |