Tuesday, April 14, 2020
It's Tuesday afternoon, and I've been in the office working on the next sermon series. I am planning on offering a series called "Unshakable" and will be talking about how we cope in tough times. I thought it would be fitting for this time in our lives! Other than that, I don't have a lot to say! Here is a prayer, though, I found that I really enjoyed reading. May it be a blessing to you as well: "Lord, all around us the waters are rising. I feel so helpless, for I cannot stop the rain from falling or the waters from rising. I feel so powerless, for the current is strong and my body is tired. I feel so empty, for our possessions are floating away or anchored in the muddy water. Lord, all around us the waters are rising. "Grant me your strength, since mine is somewhere downstream. Grant me your patience, since mine is drowning. Grant me your perspective, since my loss is in replaceable things, not irreplaceable grace. Give me eyes to see how precious your gifts are: family and friends, faith and mercy. And Lord, when the waters rise around me in my spirit, and my faith and hope are swept downstream, help me to remember how you got me through this flood. In your Son's name. Amen." (The Rev. John G. Hamilton, FPC, Rochelle, Ill.) God bless you all! Pastor Mary |